what an emotional lawyer!

recently violet handled ada satu kes kat High Court melibatkan anak taksah taraf. it went on for 3 consecutive days. violet represented the father. walaupun hanya biological mum boleh tuntut hak jagaan anak yg taksah taraf, tapi violet decided to defend the father based on few cases yang dah pernah beri hak jagaan pada biological dad. tak cuba tak tau lagi, kan?

violet bengang ngan lawyer yang represented the mother tu. emotional giler! dia ni selalu call violet. bukan ada apa hal pun, tapi saja2 nak luah rasa marah, geram & sakit ati kat violet nye client. selalunya violet akan just kata, "i don’t want to say anything, ok ... just let the court decide on that point." then violet akan hung up.

satu ari tu dia call utk merapu as usual. violet masa tu baru masuk ofis. tengah mengah lagi. violet ingat nak letak je gagang tapi bila dia mentioned "how can u represent this man? i can't believe it u boleh percaya semua citer dia?!" apalagi, hangin le violet satu badan.

violet kata "eh, whatever my client told me it’s none of your business. yg u emotional sangat ni ngapa?"

dia tergagap2 then kata "ye lah, tapi your client committed statutory rape, what?".

"c’mon laa … tak ada evidence, don’t simply say things, ok." kata violet.

"eh, don't expect me to believe they didn't have sex till she's 18 lah" dia still tak nak kalah.

"i don't care what u believe. what the court would believe is more important. in case you’re lost … this case is about custody & not rape. it's that simple!" violet lawan dia balik.

dia terdiam. violet tak tunggu lagi terus letak gagang.

violet: tak faham kenapa ada lawyer cenggini yang giler2 emotionally involved dgn kes2 yg diorang handle sampai menyusahkan diri sendiri & org lain gak!


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