
Pagi ni masuk ofis lambat. Alah...bukan ari ni je lambat tapi hampir setiap hari lambat...he he he. Kalau keluar awal pun bila ada appointment dengan client je. Tapi sekarang dah jarang-jarang ada appointment. Assign pada assistants je. Tapi tengok kes jugak. Memana client yang cerewet2 tu aku handle sendiri.

Bila ingat2 balik kejadian2 last weekend, i couldn't believe at what had happened within that 2 incredible days. That particular 2 days yang sekejap made me believe aku dah hilang insan yang paling aku sayang & sekejap lagi tu made me believe aku takkan kehilangan dia lagi. Siksa sungguh....ssk..

Still trying to understand the new him i guess...from my observation (eh...macam doktor lak!) he's a little bit different now - a bit 'fragile' i would say, but hey...who cares...i love him & still in love with him. I'm sure he'll get over it soon especially with me by his side now - round the clock. Kedengaran macam angkuh kan? Tapi memang aku confident sebab we've faith in our love which we have nurtured and cared for, almost 17 years now. Lama tuuu...memang lama.

Semalam kami sedih sungguh sebab from the first day we declared our renewed rejuvenated & refreshed love, we noticed that the path that leads to our reunion sometimes looks damn straight & sometimes looks damn winding. Ntah apa-apa. All because of those around us. Those who believe they know us better & so now want to take charge of protecting us from each other. Aneh sungguh. We understand how they love us & and why they want us to get only the best...tapi rasanya this time they're overdoing it & we humbly think they're doing it for a wrong reason.

I told him this ''tricky' situation sometimes makes me feel that i'm being lifted up & sometimes macam kena baling jauh ke bawah...Tapi dia kata "Peduli apa orang kata. Yang penting kebahagiaan kita. Terbukti setahun perpisahan kita tak bahagia dengan apa kita dah lalui. This time let's teach them a lesson!!! Kita ketawakan mereka atas keegoan dan keangkuhan mereka. Yang penting aku ada kau dan kau ada aku.". Aku tersenyum dan at that particular time aku tau that "bit fragile"
of him is fading away little by little. O! Yessss!!!

Semalam ada yang bertanya apa dia perlu lakukan pada kesedihan dia di saat aku dan si dia bergembira. Tak sempat jawab pasal internet service kat rumah ada problem sikit. By the time aku restart PC & log in, aku tengok dia dah remove post dia. Aku ingat tak payah jawab pasal dia dah tak jadi tanya. Sapa tu agak2nya ye...........


Anonymous said…
hi,it's me.hm..lawyer ler ni.sure petah berkata2.jd anti jap dgn lawyer sejak kes hitam hari tu. baca blog2 org asyik tulis kisah sedih included me.saja nak testing power.hehe..nice to know u.
Anonymous said…

Thanks singgah.

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